Hybrid Electric Chassis - International Eaton Drive - Versalift East

Hybrid Electric Chassis – International Eaton Drive

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Hybrid Electric Chassis – International Eaton Drive

Hybrid VO43 Versalift

International Truck and Engine Corporation is the first company to begin line production of hybrid commercial trucks. As diesel fuel prices continue their volatility and engine emissions requirements tighten, International presents the International® DuraStar™ Hybrid, a diesel hybrid electric medium-duty truck that provides customers with improved fuel efficiency and reduced engine emissions. Among the first to drive these forward-thinking trucks is Florida Power and Light (FPL), one of the largest utilities in the United States.

The International DuraStar Hybrid has the proven capability to provide dramatic fuel savings—from 30 to 40 percent on standard in-city pickup and delivery applications. That fuel efficiency can increase to more than 60 percent in utility-type applications when the engine can be shut off but electric power still operates the vehicle.

For example, diesel emissions are completely eliminated when the hybrid truck operates equipment (like overhead utility booms) solely on the truck’s battery power, instead of allowing the engine to idle.

  • Easy to integrate
  • Great factory support
  • Compact design
  • Lightweight
  • Easy to drive/operate
  • On road hybrid
  • Tax incentives
  • Full “Green” package
  • Fully integrated with our aerial device
  • Proven, reliable design…units working in the field every day
  • Great support & relationship between International & Versalift East, LLC.

Tracking Hybrid Performance

One major advantage for International’s hybrid product is the company’s Diamond Logic Electrical system, which integrates the body equipment and the hybrid power-train so they can work as a single piece of equipment. Additionally, the International DuraStar Hybrid can be equipped with International’s AWARE vehicle intelligence system to allow for real-time data collection, reporting, and analysis. Click here to learn more about the Diamond Logic Electrical system.

Government Incentives

One of the key challenges facing the trucking industry is the high initial cost to bring hybrid technology to market. As International builds scale, hybrid truck prices are expected to decrease dramatically. In the meantime, many customers are working to secure government funding to help offset the cost of this new technology. Eaton Drive SystemIncentives are available on both the Federal and State level, and the Energy Policy Act of 2005 can provide tax credits of up to $12,000 per unit.

Eaton Drive System

The key to the hybrid’s efficiency is the Hybrid Drive Unit (HDU). While braking, torque passing through the transmission turns the generator in the HDU to recharge the battery. Then, when pulling away, the truck uses the torque created by the electric motor to get the vehicle moving.


Diesel Engine Hybrid Drive Unit Power Electronics Carrier
Diesel Engine
Hybrid Drive Unit (HDU)

Power Electronics Carrier (Battery Box)

Invertor Hybrid Cooling System DC/DC Converter

Hybrid Cooling System

DC/DC Converter (ePTO only)